“Don’t go!! I don’t want to be a single mother!”
'Spoonful of Sugar' follows a Latin American woman, Carmela De Las Flores, obsessed with the iconic British character Mary Poppins. This obsession leads her to create a fractured and twisted illusion that only she can see, a figment of her imagination, which causes her to live in limbo between fantasy and reality.
Carmela undertakes a trip to London to search for what she believes is the love of her life, Mary Poppins. From the airport in Chile to the end of her journey in the UK, Carmela, like many immigrants, encounters misfortunes, victories, disagreements, losses and even the unexpected arrival of a baby, all of which will help her discover truth and reality to find her authentic self.
This piece was born during this passed lockdown and while Fran, the Director and Writer was going through her first pregnancy. ‘explores realities in a visually exciting, over-the-top, and disruptive way, fusing storytelling, physical theatre, clown, reggaeton, sex, singing, pregnancy and ridiculousness to create an exhilarating experience. Through Absurd and dark humour, this shows questions society's status quo while creating awareness towards the injustices we have faced as women, mothers and migrants.
The creative process of this project has been highly collaborative. As a group of South American women and artists, we have opened the process to bring different artistic elements, genres, art forms, life experiences to narrate this weird story, focusing on how an immigrant's obsession with living in the Global North can become a strange and camouflaged personal search.

© 2021 45degrees

© 2021 45degrees

© 2021 45degrees

© 2021 45degrees
Cast & Crew
Deviser and Collaborator
Fran Olivares
Writer & Director
Isabella Sperotto
Constanza Ruff